
       〒996-0051  山形県新庄市松本596番地
        0233-22-1562   fax0233-22-0095
        mail : jimushitu@shinjohigashi-h.ed.jp

新東ニュース Shinto News

◆みつばちフォーラム 12.1


◆Tコース POPWALK 10.25

 10月23日(日)Tコース行事のPOPWALK(POPウオーク)が開催されました。POPとは、Pleasant(楽しい) Occasion(行事) with Parents(親と一緒の)という意味です。1年Tコースでは、毎年この時期に行い、今年で8回目を数えました。朝からあいにくの小雨模様の中ではありましたが、学校から肘折温泉までの、約26kmの道のりをゴール目指した歩きました。途中の休憩所では、、温かい飲み物やお菓子が準備されました。途中つらくなっても皆で励まし合い、参加した全員が完歩しました。肘折では温泉につかり、美味しい芋煮をご馳走になりました。ご協力いただきました保護者の皆様、ありがとうございました。

◆平成28年度 東蜂祭



明日(月曜)はケアンズに移動します。 7.31


One more thing to inform.

We were taken a photo with students from other countries such as Italy. The photo will be a part of advertisement of Townsville grammar school. I have heard that Japanese exchange students rarely come to the school so they are so happy to have us. I will attach the pictures with this mail.

Fri, 22 Jul 2016


Today was the last day of this week. Everyone has been having a wonderful time with their host families.

We met the principal of Townsville grammar school today and he said hi to Mr. Tamiya and my colleagues. We took a photo together so I will attache the pic with this mail.

We also taught the origami things in Japanese class. Everybody taking the Japanese class got excited and seemed so happy interacting with our students. I will attach the picture too.

Everything has been so great so far and each families are planning something sopecial for the weekend, which we MUST appreciate.

We will be here one more week but time flies so fast. We will enjoy everything as much as possible. I think I can give more details what we do next week.

Fri, 22 Jul 2016
We have finally arrived in Townsville! It took 24 hours to get here. The students seem tired and sleepy but also excited being in Australia. They are now participating in a Japanese class. 

Here in Townsville, it is very warm and comfortable. The beach and a great hill are near the school. We will find out what is around here. 

I am sorry that I am typing in English but this PC doesn't have Japanese characters. 

I will send you how the students are doing as much as possible. See you soon!

Wed, 20 Jul




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